Capacity Building in Nuclear Forensics and Enhancement of Regional Cooperation between Armenian and Georgian Authorities

ISTC #AM-2541

2021 – 2024


Project manager from CENS:  Olga Belyaeva
Funding Source: International Science and Technology Center (ISTC)


Project Consortium։


  • Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies of NAS RA (Leading Institution)
  • Armenain Nuclear Power Plant (Participating Institution)
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, Forensic-Criminalistic Department (Participating Institution)
  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Collaborator)
  •  EC Joint Research Center (Collaborator)




The project supports inter-agency cooperation on nuclear forensics (NF) within Armenia (CENS and ANPP) and Georgia (Forensic-Criminalistic Department of MIA) and between main stakeholders in each country, by placing increased emphasis on the inter-ministerial and multi-agency aspects involved in a nuclear forensic investigation. This is addressed in several dimensions. The first dimension is the tactical level, where agreed protocols are a condition to successful domestic, multi-agency field operations and Crime Scene Examination. The second dimension includes maximizing technical capabilities to address the specific expertise required (training for Georgian specialists). The third dimension – radiation safety measures during work with radioactive and nuclear materials and sources in laboratory and at the crime scene. The fourth dimension consists of enhancing regional cooperation and international partnerships.


Specific activities include: (i) Support for laboratory exchange visits to Georgian and Armenian NF labs; (ii) Develop standard operating procedures (SOPs) for agencies involved in radiological crime scene processing; (iii) Special training on Radiological Crime Scene Management. 


Related links:


Nuclear Forensics Sustainability and Cooperation: Inter-laboratory Exercises and International Cooperation on Nuclear Forensics