Anniversary year at CENS. the 30th anniversary of CENS founding and the 70th anniversary of the founding director A. Saghatelyan are celebrated
On 25 May The series of events dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the foundation of Center for Ecological-noosphere studies NAS RA (CENS) and the 70th anniversary of the Center's founding director, Dr., Prof. A. Saghatelyan started at Institute of Botany after A. Takhtajyan NAS RA.
In the first part of the event, next to A. Takhtajyan's monument, a name pine tree was planted and then the results of the research aimed at assessing the ecological and health risk of soils and dust of Yerevan Botanical Garden were presented within the framework of project-based education.
The scientific friendship of CENS and the Institute of Botany once again was confirmed by planting a tree bearing the message of the day.