Bioenergy and feed resources

Dr. Bagrat Mezunts

Head of Bioenergy and Feed Resources Department

Doctor of Agricultural Science

The Department of Bioenergy and Feed quality was established in 2005 composed. of the CENS, NAS RA. The key research field of the Department is at the interface of ruminant animal feedstuff and nutrition, with particular attention on natural pastures exposed to grazing, in particular the main activities are the following:

  • Net Primary Productivity and Monitoring of Natural Grasslands including assessment of the impact of environmental factors and man-made activities (vertical belts, exposition of mountain slopes, grazing intensity etc.) on Vegetation cover, Structure and Biodiversity; Chemical Composition and Nutritive and energy value of forages,
  • Biological and ecological properties and nutritive value of dominated high quality wild growing grass and legume species,
  • Extension of database for the improvement of overgrazed and degraded pastures and formulation ruminant daily rations,
  • The indicated parameters could be used for development of rotational grazing schemes for sustainable management of communities pasturelands.