Radioecological studies in the Republic of Armenia
Project manager from CENS: Olga Belyaeva
Duration (Years): 2016 – 2021
Funding Source: Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia Science Committee
Since 2016, the Department of Radioecology has been conducting series of radioecological research (projects #15T-1E061, #18T-1E311, #20AA-1E017, #21YSS-018) that aimed at revealing main pattern of spatial distribution and migration features in the environment.
During the implementation of the projects, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of local background activity of naturally occurring radionuclides and baseline activity of technogenic Cs-137 were evaluated in the soils of Armenia, as well as in the bottom sediments of the rivers originating from the main watershed mountain ranges. Human health risk and risks for non-human biota due to exposure to natural and technogenic radionuclides were also evaluated.
CENS continues the studies in this field, particularly studies are conducting to assess income of Cs-137 to the territory of Armenia with the air masses and associated with the particulate matter, as well as its accumulation of Cs-137 in the soil and soil to plant transfer.