Conducting research in the natural pastures of Aragatsotn and Kotayk marzes of Armenia

During last 5 years, the Department has been conducting research in the natural pastures of Aragatsotn and Kotayk marzes of Armenia (Funding by Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia Science Committee)


Particularly, the 18T-4E072 project was devoted to the evaluation of the soil-plant system`s important agro-biological criteria, characterizing the productivity of the pastures with different degrees of grazing, and creation mathematical models expressing the available link between the parameters studied. The research in the frame of 21T-4C237 (on-going) is dedicated to the comprehensive assessment of the vegetation and soils of steppe pastures with different degrees of grazing: first, to reveal the character of long-term grazing on the biological, agrochemical and agrophysical parameters of the vegetation and soils, and second, to identify the indicators that have undergone obvious changes over the three years.