Laboratory analysis

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The Լaboratory group carries out the following researches
Head: Ani Asatryan
- Total Phosphorus, Total Nitrogen, heavy metals and trace elements, soil organic carbon, hygroscopic moisture, humus, microplastics, pH, electrical conductivity, calcium, determination of some ions (sulfates (SO4-2), carbonates (HCO3-), chlorides (Cl-)), ash, organic pesticides.
- Total Phosphorus, crude protein, cellulose, heavy metals and trace elements, calcium, ash, hygroscopic moisture, organic pesticides.
- Total Nitrogen, crude protein, sugar, cellulose, fats, heavy metals and trace elements, hygroscopic moisture, ash, carbohydrates, organic pesticides, detection of residual amounts of mycotoxins (aflatoxins), detection of residual amounts of antibiotics (chloramphenicol), detection of vitamins (folic acid), detection of soy protein in food.
- sulfates (SO4-2), carbonates (HCO3-), chlorides (Cl-), total calcium, magnesium, hardness, surfactants, heavy metals and trace elements, total nitrogen-containing compounds (ammonia (NH4+), nitrite (NO2-), chemical oxygen demand, organic pesticides.
List of professional equipment
- Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (CAP PRO ICP OES), designed for the detection of small amounts of a various of elements in the environmental sample and foods
- High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), designed for the separation, quantitative and qualitative identification of compounds.
- Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS), designed for the separation of mixtures of materials in the environmental sample and foods․ It is also applicable to the separation and identification of mixtures of substances similar in properties
- pH 673M, designed for the detection of hydrogen ion exponent in the environmental samples
- The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) used to measure antibodies, antigens, proteins and glycoproteins.
- Photoelectric Colorimeter (ФЭК-56), designed forthe measurement of the optical density of solutions in the range of 315-630 nm and determines the concentration of substances in the solution by photometric methods.
- SpectrophotometerUV-6300PC, designed for the measurement of the optical density of solutions in the range of 190-1100 nm and determines the concentration of substances in the solution by photometric methods.
- Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analyzer, designed for the determination of nitrogen/protein in the environmental samples and foods, by the Kjeldahl method.
- Analytical Balance (Влр – 200, Emb – 200-2, Es – E 210B, Shimadzuap225WD, Shimadzu AP224W), carry out weighing with an accuracy of 0.01-0.00001 mg.
- Microwave Digestion System Milestone Ethos Easy, designed for the microwave acid digestion of various samples.
- Microwave Extraction System Milestone Star E, designed for the various sample extractions.
- Centrifuge (L-530, Wirówka laboratoryjna WE-2), designed to separate liquid samples into fractions using centrifugal force
Department Name: Department of Environmental Geochemistry
Head: Dr. Gevorg Tepanosyan
- Planning and implementation of various environmental investigations.
- Sampling, sample preparation.
- Determination of soil chemical, mineralogical and particle size composition.
- Analysis of environmental data quality and reliability.
- Data analysis and geospatial mapping.
- Eco-geochemical assessment and identification of pollution sources.
- Environmental monitoring and risk assessment.
List of professional equipment
- Soil sampling auger, designed for sampling soil from different depths.
- Aspirator ABA-1, designed for sampling airborne particles.
- Scanning electron microscope JCM-7000, designed for microanalysis of different materials and determination of their chemical composition.
- PARIO automated soil particle size analyzer, designed for soil texture determination.
- X-ray fluorescence analyzer Innov X-5000, designed for the determination of metal concentrations.
- X-ray fluorescence analyzer NEX DE, designed for the determination of chemical elements concentrations.
- X-ray diffractometer TELLUS XRD, designed for the determination of mineralogical composition of various materials.
- Horiba U-53 multi-parameter meter, designed for the determination of water physico-chemical parameters.
- Multi-parameter meter Hach, designed for the determination of some physico-chemical parameters of water.
- Laboratory sieve, designed for environmental sample preparation.
- Vibrating grinder VG 6, designed for solid material grinding.
Department name: Department of Radioecology
Head: Dr. Olga Belyaeva
- Sampling design and environmental sampling
- Radiological assessment of sites
- Measurements surface radioactive contamination and dose rate
- Determination of activity of gamma- and beta-emitting radionuclides in soil, water, natural building stones and other substrates
- Measurement of radon in air and water
- Radiological health and environmental risk assessment
List of professional equipment
- Low-background gamma-spectrometry system (CANBERRA), for identification and determination of activity of gamma-emitting radionuclides in soil, water and other matrices.
- Hidex SL-300 Automatic TDCR Liquid Scintillation Counter designed to measure the activity of alpha- and beta-emitting radionuclides in countable samples.
- DURRIDGE RAD7, a portable versatile radon and thoron detector.
- Portable radionuclide identifier InSpector 1000
- Portable dosimeter RadTech 6150AD 6/H
Department name - Informational-Analytical Center for Risk Assessment of Food Chain
Head: Dr. Davit Pipoyan
- Planning and conducting food risk assessment studies.
- Providing scientific support for food safety management systems.
- Planning and conducting studies to assess food security and nutrients.