
Dr. Olga Belyaeva

Head of Radioecology Department

PhD in Biology


Radioecology Department (RD) was established at CENS in 1989 on a basis of a group of specialists who started radioecological studies in 1958. Since then the RD has collected a wealth of factual material about radioecological situation in Armenia’s different regions.


The current scope of main research activities of Radioecology Department includes:

  • migration and distribution of naturally occurring and technogenic radionuclides in the environment,
  • NORM issues,
  • baseline levels of NORM and technogenic radionuclides,
  • urban radioecology,
  • Radon monitoring,
  • dose, dose rate and risk assessment,
  • Nuclear forensics.


RD closely collaborates with Armenian NPP; under a cooperation agreement between CENS and ANPP a consortium of labs has been built. Also, RD collaborates with organizations in the fields of radioecology, environmental radioactivity monitoring, radiation safety, etc. of NIS countries, EU, the USA. The experience of international collaboration provides favorable conditions for development and implementation of national and international interdisciplinary studies.
